Source code for ietfparse.headers

Functions for parsing headers.

- :func:`.parse_accept`: parse an ``Accept`` value
- :func:`.parse_accept_charset`: parse a ``Accept-Charset`` value
- :func:`.parse_cache_control`: parse a ``Cache-Control`` value
- :func:`.parse_content_type`: parse a ``Content-Type`` value
- :func:`.parse_forwarded`: parse a :rfc:`7239` ``Forwarded`` value
- :func:`.parse_link`: parse a :rfc:`5988` ``Link`` value
- :func:`.parse_list`: parse a comma-separated list that is
  present in so many headers

from __future__ import annotations

import functools
import decimal
import re
from collections import abc

from . import datastructures, errors, _helpers

    ('must-revalidate', 'no-cache', 'no-store', 'no-transform',
     'only-if-cached', 'public', 'private', 'proxy-revalidate')
_COMMENT_RE = re.compile(r'\(.*\)')
_QUOTED_SEGMENT_RE = re.compile(r'"([^"]*)"')
_DEF_PARAM_VALUE = object()

[docs]def parse_accept(header_value: str, strict: bool = False) -> list[datastructures.ContentType]: """Parse an HTTP accept-like header. :param header_value: the header value to parse :param strict: if :data:`True`, then invalid content type values within `header_value` will raise :exc:`ValueError`; otherwise, they are ignored :return: a :class:`list` of :class:`.ContentType` instances in decreasing quality order. Each instance is augmented with the associated quality as a ``float`` property named ``quality``. :raise: :exc:`ValueError` if `strict` is *truthy* and at least one value in `header_value` could not be parsed by :func:`.parse_content_type` ``Accept`` is a class of headers that contain a list of values and an associated preference value. The ever present `Accept`_ header is a perfect example. It is a list of content types and an optional parameter named ``q`` that indicates the relative weight of a particular type. The most basic example is:: Accept: audio/*;q=0.2, audio/basic Which states that I prefer the ``audio/basic`` content type but will accept other ``audio`` sub-types with an 80% mark down. .. _Accept: """ next_explicit_q = decimal.ExtendedContext.next_plus(decimal.Decimal('5.0')) headers = [] for content_type in parse_list(header_value): try: headers.append(parse_content_type(content_type)) except ValueError: if strict: raise for header in headers: q = header.parameters.pop('q', None) if q is None: header.quality = 1.0 elif float(q) == 1.0: header.quality = float(next_explicit_q) next_explicit_q = next_explicit_q.next_minus() else: header.quality = float(q) def ordering(left: datastructures.ContentType, right: datastructures.ContentType) -> int: assert left.quality is not None # appease mypy assert right.quality is not None # appease mypy if left.quality == right.quality: if left == right: return 0 elif left > right: return -1 else: # left < right return 1 elif left.quality > right.quality: return -1 else: # left.quality < right.quality: return 1 return sorted(headers, key=functools.cmp_to_key(ordering))
[docs]def parse_accept_charset(header_value: str) -> list[str]: """ Parse the ``Accept-Charset`` header into a sorted list. :param header_value: header value to parse :return: list of character sets sorted from highest to lowest priority The `Accept-Charset`_ header is a list of character set names with optional *quality* values. The quality value indicates the strength of the preference where 1.0 is a strong preference and less than 0.001 is outright rejection by the client. .. note:: Character sets that are rejected by setting the quality value to less than 0.001. If a wildcard is included in the header, then it will appear **BEFORE** values that are rejected. .. _Accept-Charset: """ return _parse_qualified_list(header_value)
[docs]def parse_accept_encoding(header_value: str) -> list[str]: """ Parse the ``Accept-Encoding`` header into a sorted list. :param header_value: header value to parse :return: list of encodings sorted from highest to lowest priority The `Accept-Encoding`_ header is a list of encodings with optional *quality* values. The quality value indicates the strength of the preference where 1.0 is a strong preference and less than 0.001 is outright rejection by the client. .. note:: Encodings that are rejected by setting the quality value to less than 0.001. If a wildcard is included in the header, then it will appear **BEFORE** values that are rejected. .. _Accept-Encoding: """ return _parse_qualified_list(header_value)
[docs]def parse_accept_language(header_value: str) -> list[str]: """ Parse the ``Accept-Language`` header into a sorted list. :param header_value: header value to parse :return: list of languages sorted from highest to lowest priority The `Accept-Language`_ header is a list of languages with optional *quality* values. The quality value indicates the strength of the preference where 1.0 is a strong preference and less than 0.001 is outright rejection by the client. .. note:: Languages that are rejected by setting the quality value to less than 0.001. If a wildcard is included in the header, then it will appear **BEFORE** values that are rejected. .. _Accept-Language: """ return _parse_qualified_list(header_value)
[docs]def parse_cache_control( header_value: str) -> dict[str, str | int | bool | None]: """ Parse a `Cache-Control`_ header, returning a dictionary of key-value pairs. Any of the ``Cache-Control`` parameters that do not have directives, such as ``public`` or ``no-cache`` will be returned with a value of ``True`` if they are set in the header. :param header_value: ``Cache-Control`` header value to parse :return: the parsed ``Cache-Control`` header values .. _Cache-Control: """ directives: dict[str, str | int | bool | None] = {} for segment in parse_list(header_value): name, sep, value = segment.partition('=') if sep != '=': directives[name] = None elif sep and value: value = _dequote(value.strip()) try: directives[name] = int(value) except ValueError: directives[name] = value # NB ``name='' is never valid and is ignored! # convert parameterless boolean directives for name in _CACHE_CONTROL_BOOL_DIRECTIVES: if directives.get(name, '') is None: directives[name] = True return directives
[docs]def parse_content_type( content_type: str, normalize_parameter_values: bool = True) -> datastructures.ContentType: """Parse a content type like header. :param content_type: the string to parse as a content type :param normalize_parameter_values: setting this to ``False`` will enable strict RFC2045 compliance in which content parameter values are case preserving. :return: a :class:`~ietfparse.datastructures.ContentType` instance :raises: :exc:`ValueError` if the content type cannot be reasonably parsed (e.g., ``Content-Type: *``) """ parts = _remove_comments(content_type).split(';') type_spec = parts.pop(0) try: content_type, content_subtype = type_spec.split('/') except ValueError: raise ValueError('Failed to parse ' + type_spec) parameters = _parse_parameter_list( parts, normalize_parameter_values=normalize_parameter_values) if '+' in content_subtype: content_subtype, content_suffix = content_subtype.split('+') return datastructures.ContentType(content_type, content_subtype, dict(parameters), content_suffix) else: return datastructures.ContentType(content_type, content_subtype, dict(parameters))
[docs]def parse_forwarded( header_value: str, only_standard_parameters: bool = False) -> list[dict[str, str]]: """ Parse RFC7239 Forwarded header. :param header_value: value to parse :param only_standard_parameters: if this keyword is specified and given a *truthy* value, then a non-standard parameter name will result in :exc:`~ietfparse.errors.StrictHeaderParsingFailure` :return: an ordered :class:`list` of :class:`dict` instances :raises: :exc:`ietfparse.errors.StrictHeaderParsingFailure` is raised if `only_standard_parameters` is enabled and a non-standard parameter name is encountered This function parses a :rfc:`7239` HTTP header into a :class:`list` of :class:`dict` instances with each instance containing the param values. The list is ordered as received from left to right and the parameter names are folded to lower case strings. """ result = [] for entry in parse_list(header_value): param_tuples = _parse_parameter_list(entry.split(';'), normalize_parameter_names=True, normalize_parameter_values=False) if only_standard_parameters: for name, _ in param_tuples: if name not in ('for', 'proto', 'by', 'host'): raise errors.StrictHeaderParsingFailure( 'Forwarded', header_value) result.append(dict(param_tuples)) return result
[docs]def parse_list(value: str) -> list[str]: """ Parse a comma-separated list header. :param value: header value to split into elements :return: list of header elements as strings """ segments = _QUOTED_SEGMENT_RE.findall(value) for segment in segments: left, match, right = value.partition(segment) value = ''.join([left, match.replace(',', '\000'), right]) return [_dequote(x.strip()).replace('\000', ',') for x in value.split(',')]
def _parse_parameter_list( parameter_list: abc.Iterable[str], normalize_parameter_names: bool = False, normalize_parameter_values: bool = True, strip_interior_whitespace: bool = False) -> list[tuple[str, str]]: """ Parse a named parameter list in the "common" format. :param parameter_list: sequence of string values to parse :keyword normalize_parameter_names: if specified and *truthy* then parameter names will be case-folded to lower case :keyword normalize_parameter_values: if omitted or specified as *truthy*, then parameter values are case-folded to lower case :keyword strip_interior_whitespace: remove whitespace between name and values surrounding the ``=`` :return: a sequence containing the name to value pairs The parsed values are normalized according to the keyword parameters and returned as :class:`tuple` of name to value pairs preserving the ordering from `parameter_list`. The values will have quotes removed if they were present. """ parameters = [] for param in parameter_list: param = param.strip() if param: name, value = param.split('=') if strip_interior_whitespace: name, value = name.strip(), value.strip() if normalize_parameter_names: name = name.lower() if normalize_parameter_values: value = value.lower() parameters.append((name, _dequote(value.strip()))) return parameters def _parse_qualified_list(value: str) -> list[str]: """ Parse a header value, returning a sorted list of values based upon the quality rules specified in for the Accept-* headers. :param value: The value to parse into a list """ found_wildcard = False values, rejected_values = [], [] parsed = parse_list(value) default = float(len(parsed) + 1) highest = default + 1.0 for raw_str in parsed: charset, _, parameter_str = raw_str.replace(' ', '').partition(';') if charset == '*': found_wildcard = True continue params = dict(_parse_parameter_list(parameter_str.split(';'))) quality = float(params.pop('q', default)) if quality < 0.001: rejected_values.append(charset) elif quality == 1.0: values.append((highest + default, charset)) else: values.append((quality, charset)) default -= 1.0 parsed = [value[1] for value in sorted(values, reverse=True)] if found_wildcard: parsed.append('*') parsed.extend(rejected_values) return parsed def _remove_comments(value: str) -> str: return _COMMENT_RE.sub('', value) def _dequote(value: str) -> str: """ Remove from value if the entire string is quoted. :param value: value to dequote :return: a new :class:`str` with leading and trailing quotes removed or `value` if not fully quoted >>> _dequote('"value"') 'value' >>> _dequote('not="quoted"') 'not="quoted"' >>> _dequote('" with spaces "') ' with spaces ' """ if value[0] == '"' and value[-1] == '"': return value[1:-1] return value