Source code for ietfparse.errors

Exceptions raised from within ietfparse.

All exceptions are rooted at :class:`~ietfparse.errors.RootException` so
so you can catch it to implement error handling behavior associated with
this library's functionality.


[docs]class RootException(Exception): """Root of the ``ietfparse`` exception hierarchy.""" pass
[docs]class NoMatch(RootException): """No match was found when selecting a content type.""" pass
[docs]class MalformedLinkValue(RootException): """Value specified is not a valid link header.""" pass
[docs]class StrictHeaderParsingFailure(RootException, ValueError): """ Non-standard header value detected. This is raised when "strict" conformance is enabled for a header parsing function and a header value fails due to one of the "strict" rules. See :func:`ietfparse.headers.parse_forwarded` for an example. """ def __init__(self, header_name: str, header_value: str) -> None: super(StrictHeaderParsingFailure, self).__init__(header_name, header_value) self.header_name = header_name self.header_value = header_value