
1.4.3 (30-Oct-2017)

1.4.2 (04-Jul-2017)

  • Add formatting of HTTP Link header using str(header).

1.4.1 (03-Apr-2017)

  • Add some documentation about exceptions raised during header parsing.

1.4.0 (18-Oct-2016)

1.3.0 (11-Aug-2016)

1.2.2 (27-May-2015)

1.2.1 (25-May-2015)

  • algorithms.select_content_type() claims to work with datastructures.ContentType` values but it was requiring the augmented ones returned from algorithms.parse_http_accept_header(). IOW, the algorithm required that the quality attribute exist. RFC 7231#section-5.3.1 states that missing quality values are treated as 1.0.

1.2.0 (19-Apr-2015)

1.1.1 (10-Feb-2015)

  • Removed setupext module since it was causing problems with source distributions.

1.1.0 (26-Oct-2014)